Contribute to the CNCF Ecosystem

Welcome! Are you interested in contributing to one of CNCF hosted projects? This repository should help you. It contains information and guidelines about contributions to CNCF projects.

CNCF offers multiple ways to start contributing to the CNCF ecosystem, including either foundation-wide and project-wide opportunities.

However, contributing to the CNCF ecosystem is not just about coding. There are many other ways to contribute to the CNCF ecosystem, including writing documentation, creating tutorials, bringing ideas to meetings, organizing meetups, and more.

Open Source Beginners

Are you new to open source? If so, we recommend checking out our comprehensive guide, “Start Contributing to Open Source”. This guide is filled with helpful tips and tricks to help you get started with contributing to open source projects. You’ll learn about communities and projects, how to find them, how to conform to community standards, and much more.

Unknown Terms?

If you encounter any unfamiliar terms in this document or on our website, we have a glossary available.

Contribution Opportunities

Mentorship Programs

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation participates in various mentoring programs, including:

If you are interested in participating in one of the programs, please check out the CNCF mentoring repository for more details.

Project Opportunities

The CNCF projects are always looking for new contributors. If you’re interested in contributing to a CNCF project, check out the following:

  • CNCF Landscape - a map of all CNCF projects, along with their maturity level and their category
  • CLOTributor - a tool that helps you find beginner-friendly tasks in CNCF projects
  • Projects section below lists all CNCF projects, with their primary language and brief information on contributing to them

Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs)

CNCF Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) are responsible for overseeing and coordinating the interests of end users and/or projects within a specific area of focus. These groups hold open meetings that are accessible to anyone without any obligations. You are welcome to participate in discussions or simply observe the group’s activities. If you are interested in contributing to a TAG, you can find more information in their respective repositories.

Although TAGs are designed to focus on specific areas, you can begin contributing through working groups (WGs) that operate under the TAGs with even more narrow scopes. WGs are community-driven groups that encourage ongoing collaboration in specific areas of interest.

Learn more about CNCF TAGs and view a list of the CNCF TAGs.

Community Groups

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation supports the worldwide community of the Cloud Native Community Groups (CNCGs). They are listed on website. CNCF is currently working on expanding the Cloud Native community worldwide, and we are happy to accept any new local communities to join our network.

Are you passionate about Cloud Native technologies and interested in starting a community group in your area? Look no further than the CNCF Meetups program! Check out the CNCF Community Groups repository for more information about the program, including best practices for running successful CNCF Community Groups.


Cloud Native Ambassadors (CNAs) are individuals who are passionate about Cloud Native Computing Foundation technology and projects, recognized for their expertise, and willing to help others learn about the framework and community.

Successful ambassadors are people such as bloggers, influencers, evangelists who are already engaged with a CNCF project in some way including contributing to forums, online groups, community events, etc.

Details on the Ambassadors program, as well as information on how to join CNCF as an Ambassador, are available at the Cloud Native Ambassadors repository.


The Cloud Native Computing Foundation projects are listed below with information on how to contribute.

Graduated Projects

Project Name Focus Primary Language
Argo Continuous Integration & Delivery Go
containerd Container Runtime Go
CoreDNS Coordination & Service Discovery Go
CRI-O Container Runtime Go
Envoy Service Proxy C++
etcd Coordination & Service Discovery Go
Fluentd Logging Ruby
Flux Continuous Integration & Delivery Go
Harbor Container Registry Go
Helm Application Definition & Image Build Go
Istio Service Mesh Go
Jaeger Tracing Go
Keda Installable Platform Go
Kubernetes Scheduling & Orchestration Go
Linkerd Service Mesh Go
Open Policy Agent (OPA) Security & Compliance Go
Prometheus Monitoring Go
Rook Cloud Native Storage C++
SPIFFE Key Management Shell
SPIRE Key Management Go
The Update Framework (TUF) Security & Compliance Python
TiKV Database Rust
Vitess Database Go

Incubating Projects

Project Name Focus Primary Language
Backstage Application Definition & Image Build TypeScript
Buildpacks Application Definition & Image Build Go
cert-manager Security & Compliance Go
Chaos Mesh Chaos Engineering Go
Cilium Cloud Native Network Go
Cloud Custodian Automation & Configuration Python
CloudEvents Streaming & Messaging Go
Container Network Interface (CNI) Cloud Native Network Go
Contour Service Proxy Go
Cortex Monitoring Go
Crossplane Scheduling & Orchestration Go
CubeFS Cloud Native Storage C++
Dapr Framework Go
Dragonfly Container Registry Go
Emissary-Ingress API Gateway Python
Falco Security & Compliance C++
gRPC Remote Procedure Call C++
in-toto Security & Compliance Python
Keptn Continuous Integration & Delivery Go
Keycloak Security & Compliance Java
Knative Installable Platform Go
KubeEdge Automation & Configuration Go
Kubeflow Scheduling & Orchestration TypeScript
KubeVela Application Definition & Image Build Go
KubeVirt Application Definition & Image Build Go
Kyverno Security & Compliance Go
Litmus Chaos Engineering HTML
Longhorn Cloud Native Storage C
NATS Streaming & Messaging Go
Notary Security & Compliance Go
OpenKruise Continuous Integration & Delivery Go
OpenMetrics Monitoring Go
OpenTelemetry Tracing Java
Operator Framework Application Definition & Image Build Go
Thanos Monitoring Go
Volcano Scheduling & Orchestration Go

Sandbox Projects

Project Name Focus Primary Language
Aeraki Mesh Service Mesh Go
Akri Automation & Configuration Rust
Antrea Cloud Native Network Go
Armada Scheduling & Orchestration Go
Artifact Hub Application Definition & Image Build TypeScript
Athenz Key Management Java
BFE Service Proxy Go
Capsule Scheduling & Orchestration Go
Carina Cloud Native Storage Go
Carvel Application Definition & Image Build Go
CDK for Kubernetes (CDK8s) Automation & Configuration Python
Chaosblade Chaos Engineering Go
Clusternet Scheduling & Orchestration Go
Clusterpedia Scheduling & Orchestration Go
CNI-Genie Cloud Native Network Go
Confidential Containers Security & Compliance Go
ContainerSSH Security & Compliance Go
Curiefense Security & Compliance Rust
Curve Cloud Native Storage C++
Devfile Application Definition & Image Build Go
DevSpace Application Definition & Image Build Open Policy Agent
DevStream Automation & Configuration Go
Dex Security & Compliance Go
Distribution Container Registry Go
Eraser Scheduling & Orchestration Go
external-secrets Security & Compliance Go
FabEdge Cloud Native Network Go
Fluid Scheduling & Orchestration Go
Fonio Monitoring Rust
Headlamp Monitoring TypeScript
Hexa Security & Compliance Go
HwameiStor Cloud Native Storage Go
Inclavare Containers Container Runtime C
Inspektor Gadget Monitoring C
k3s Certified Kubernetes - Distribution Go
k8gb Coordination & Service Discovery Go
K8up Cloud Native Storage Go
Karmada Scheduling & Orchestration Go
Kepler Monitoring Go
Keylime Security & Compliance Python
ko Application Definition & Image Build Go
Konveyor Application Definition & Image Build Jinja
kpt Automation & Configuration Go
Krator Application Definition & Image Build Rust
Krustlet Installable Platform Rust
Kube-OVN Cloud Native Network Go
kube-rs Scheduling & Orchestration Rust
kube-vip Cloud Native Network Go
KubeArmor Security & Compliance Go
KubeClipper Certified Kubernetes - Installer Go
KubeDL Automation & Configuration Go
Kuberhealthy Monitoring Go
Kubescape Security & Compliance Go
Kubewarden Security & Compliance Go
Kubewarden (Wasm) Embedded Functions Go
KUDO Application Definition & Image Build Go
Kuma Service Mesh Go
Kured Scheduling & Orchestration Go
Lima Container Runtime Go
Merbridge Service Mesh Go
Meshery Automation & Configuration Go
MetalLB Service Proxy Go
Metal³ Automation & Configuration Go
Microcks Application Definition & Image Build Java
Network Service Mesh Cloud Native Network Go
Nocalhost Application Definition & Image Build Go
Open Cluster Management Scheduling & Orchestration Go
Open Policy Containers Security & Compliance Go
OpenCost Continuous Optimization Go
OpenEBS Cloud Native Storage
OpenELB Service Proxy Go
OpenFeature Continuous Integration & Delivery Python
OpenFGA Security & Compliance Go
OpenFunction Installable Platform Go
OpenFunction (Wasm) Embedded Functions Go
OpenGitOps Continuous Integration & Delivery
OpenYurt Automation & Configuration Go
ORAS Cloud Native Storage Go
Paralus Security & Compliance Go
Parsec Security & Compliance Rust
PipeCD Continuous Integration & Delivery Go
Piraeus Datastore Cloud Native Storage Go
Pixie Monitoring C++
Porter Application Definition & Image Build Go
Pravega Streaming & Messaging Java
SchemaHero Database Go
sealer Application Definition & Image Build Go
Serverless Devs Tools TypeScript
Serverless Workflow Application Definition & Image Build Makefile
Service Mesh Interface (SMI) Service Mesh Makefile
Service Mesh Performance Service Mesh Makefile
Skooner Monitoring JavaScript
SlimToolkit Security & Compliance Go
SOPS Security & Compliance Go
Strimzi Streaming & Messaging Java
Submariner Cloud Native Network Go
SuperEdge Automation & Configuration Go
Telepresence Application Definition & Image Build Go
Teller Key Management Go
Tinkerbell Automation & Configuration Go
Tremor Streaming & Messaging Rust
Trickster Monitoring Go
Vineyard Cloud Native Storage C++
Virtual Kubelet Installable Platform Go
Visual Studio Code Kubernetes Tools Application Definition & Image Build TypeScript
wasmCloud Scheduling & Orchestration Rust
WasmEdge (Wasm) Runtimes C++
WasmEdge Runtime Container Runtime C++
werf Continuous Integration & Delivery Go
Xline Coordination & Service Discovery Rust
zot Container Registry Go

Non-code Projects

Project Name Focus Primary Language
Cloud Native Glossary Definitions Markdown