Checklist for Project Paperwork

This is a condensed, outline-format checklist of the paperwork requirements to reach the various CNCF Graduation Levels. It does not substitute for the full documentation or full requirements, but is a useful quick reference if your project is planning to join the CNCF or graduate levels.

Entering Sandbox

  • Requirements:
    • CNCF Code of Conduct
      • Template
      • Decide if COC enforcement will be handled by the project or by the CNCF
        • CNCF is a good option for young/small projects. They will provide contact.
      • If handling it yourself: decide who are the contacts and how to deal with a maintainer being reported, or a contact being reported. Need more than one contact.
        • CNCF can provide training in COC report handing, on request by a project
        • If the COC enforcement body is your maintainers, then you need to have a policy to escalate to CNCF if the report is against a maintainer.
    • Adhere to CNCF IP Policy
    • containing basic “how to contribute” ( Harbor example)
    • Light project roadmap, at least an easily findable list of TODO items or issues
      • Template
        • You need to edit “Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]”.
        • Replace [yyyy] with the current year.
        • Replace [name of copyright owner] with “The PROJECT Authors”, e.g. “The Kubernetes Authors” or “The Helm Authors”.
      • CNCF strongly recommends Apache 2.0
  • Good to Have:
    • with details about leadership ( CoreDNS example)
    • file ( Helm example)
      • Explain what is it, how it’s used, what needs to be in it and if you can reference another source of truth

Entering Incubation

  • Additional Requirements:
    • showing the leaders and how they are selected
      • Include full election docs if there are elections
      • Governance process must be employer-neutral
    • File showing who the end users are
      • Implies existence of end-user discussion forum
      • Does not have to be 100% public at this stage, the way it does with Graduated
      • If it is public, use an file
    • Clear versioning scheme ( Harbor example)
      • Implies, but does not require, a release process
  • Good To Have:

Applying for Graduation

  • Additional Requirements:
    • “Committers” from at least 2 organizations.
      • This is a complicated requirement.
      • Requires recruitment of new contributors/reviewers from outside original project founders
    • CII Best Practices Badge
      • This requires meeting many criteria for how the project runs repositories. Requirements are extensive and may take some time to meet.
    • 3rd Party Security Audit published ( Envoy example)
      • CNCF arranges the audits
    • Explicitly defined project governance and committer process in a file with references to files
    • contains a public list of project adopters ( Jaeger example)
      • This is now public, so you need users who can be referenced

Nice To Have at Any Level

  • Security report handling process ( CoreDNS example)
    • Realistically, this will end up being required for CII/Security Audit
  • Documented release process ( Envoy example)
  • Conformance process/definition/requirement ( Kubernetes example)
    • As in “what is $project and what is it not”

Last modified June 25, 2021: Rename default branch to main (#112) (4b3ca85)